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ADDermatite Atopique
ADNAcide Désoxyribonucléique
ADAM33A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase domain 33
ARNAcide Ribonucléique
ASSpondylarthrite Ankylosante
ASOAllele-Specific Oligonucleotide
ASPAffected Sibling Pair, paires de germains atteints
AP-1Activating Protein 1
APMAffected Pedigree Member
CARD15CAspase Recruitment Domain family member 15
CDmaladie de Crohn
CeDmaladie Coeliaque
CEPHCentre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain
CNGCentre National de Génotypage
CYLDCYLinDromatosis tumor suppressor
DEFBDEFensines, Béta
DIDDiabète InsulinoDépendant
DLDéséquilibre de Liaison
DZjumeaux DiZygotes
EGFEpidermal Growth Factor
EGFREpidermal Growth Factor Receptor
FBATFamily Based Association Test
GDmaladie de Graves-basedow
GM-CSFGranulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor
HBATHaplotype Based Association Test
HCR-Helical Coiled-coil Rod homologue
HRRHaplotype Relative Risk
HLAHuman Leukocyte Antigen
IBDIdentity By Descent, identité par descendance
IBSIdentity By State, identité par état
ICAM-1Molécule d'Adhésion InterCellulaire de type 1
IL1AInterLeukine 1, Alpha
IL1BInterLeukine 1, Béta
IL-1R1Récepteur de l'InterLeukine 1, type 1
IL1RN/ IL1RAAntagoniste du récepteur de l'InterLeukine 1
IL12RB1Récepteur de l'InterLeukine 12, Béta 1
KGFKeratinocyte Growth Factor
LBLymphocyte B
LNMLogistic-Normal Models
LTLymphocyte T
LODLogarithm of ODds, logarithme des probabilités
LSOLocus-Specific Oligonucleotide
LYPLYmphoid-specific Phosphatase
MafMusculoAponeurotic Fibrosarcome protein
MHC/CMHComplexe Majeur d'Histocompatiblité
MSSclérose en plaques
MLBMaximum Likelihood Binomial
MLSMaximum Likelihood Score
MZjumeaux MonoZygotes
NAT 9AcetylTransferase family member
NPLNon Parametric Linkage
OLAOligonucleotide Ligation
OMIMOnline Mendelian Inheritance in Men
OR (95% CI)odds ratio (intervalle de confiance à 95%)
OTF3octamer-binding transcription factor 3
pbpaire de base
PBCCirrhose Biliaire Primitive
PCRPolymérisation en chaîne
POU5F1POU-type homeodomain-containing DNA-binding protein
PRPolyarthrite Rhumatoïde
PsAArthrite Psoriasique
PSORSlocus de prédisposition au psoriasis
PsVPsoriasis Vulgaris
PTPN22Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Nonreceptor, type 22
QTLQuantitative Trait Loci
RAPTORRegulatory Associated Protein of mTOR
SIGLEC1SIalic acid binding Ig-like LECtin 1, sialoadhesin
SLC9A3R1SoLute Carrier family 9 isoform 3 Regulator 1
SLC12A8SoLute Carrier family 12 member 8
SLC22A4SoLute Carrier family 22 member 4
SLC22A5SoLute Carrier family 22 member 5
SLELupus Erythémateux Systémique
SNPSingle Nucléotide Polymorphism
SSP-PCRSequence Specific Primer-Polymerase Chain Reaction
STAT3Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3
TCF19TransCription Factor 19
TGFTumor Growth Factor
TNFTumor Necrosis Factor
UCColite Ulcérative
VCAM-1Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule
UTRRégion non-Traduite
VIHVirus de l'Immunodéficience Humaine
T1DDiabète de Type 1
TDTTest de Déséquilibre de Transmission
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